Co-convened by Mr Gary Blackwood MP, Member for Narracan and Mr Philip Dalidakis MP, Member for Southern Metropolitan, the Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI) Tim Johnston welcomed the commitment from parliament, stating that the response to the support group was encouraging.

“There has been a great amount of interest shown by the Parliament to learn more about the forest and wood products industry in Victoria, and the businesses and communities which rely on it.

“The industry in Victoria is a dynamic sector of the economy that uses wood – a renewable, biodegradable, recyclable product – to create materials for new homes, buildings and furniture, paper and fuel for green energy,” Tim said.

“In addition, the industry directly employs more than 21,000 workers and indirectly supports another 40,000 to 50,000 jobs, providing a sustainable future for suburban, rural and regional communities across Victoria,” he added.

The Forest and Wood Product Support Group will provide a platform for members of the Victorian State Parliament to work with the industry closely, and allow them to learn more about the importance of forest and wood products businesses to their electorates and the Victorian economy.