The industry association’s new recruitment service is designed to save businesses time and money.
It is widely accepted that the people who work in a business are the real key to its success. Equipment, stock, customers are all important but without competent, focused and committed staff, everything else sits still.
“When you need staff, you embark on a journey,” says Peter Andersen, TABMA’s GM of workforce & career development. “Make a mistake and it can cost you. A hiring mistake can cost upwards of 2.5 times the position’s annual salary! Even the process itself can cost upwards of 50% of the position’s salary when you consider the time involved across the various members of your team plus advertising. The distraction of the recruitment process for your team from their normal day to day duties can be significant.”
The challenges of recruitment are amplified at present. With unemployment low, it is a candidate’s market. Job seekers have their choice of positions and employers are scrambling to engage them.
In response to requests from members who have been struggling with recruitment, TABMA Australia has launched TABMA People. As the association describes the service: “Dedicated to providing recruitment services to our members and businesses in the wider timber and building materials supply industries, TABMA People is the recruitment specialist you have been waiting for.”
Headed by Andersen TABMA People brings together his many years of corporate, internal and commercial recruitment, his formal training in Competency Based Recruitment and TABMA’s wide reaching networks and connections.
“There are five good reasons to use TABMA People,” says Andersen. “One: faster hiring. It’s our main focus, not something being done on the side around your work.
“Two: high quality candidates. We use multiple channels to attract active and passive candidates, monitoring applications on a daily basis and modifying our candidate attraction strategy to ensure we cast as wide a net as possible. Then we screen applications, selecting the ones that best meet the criteria our client has specified for the job. We then meet with the best candidates, using competency-based recruitment techniques to identify those best aligned to your business and the job.
“Three: we know the industry. This means we understand the job roles, the experience needed and your business.
“Four: recruitment is what we do. TABMA People is built on over 30 years of recruitment experience across many industries and business environments. Our focus on your recruitment project leaves you free to concentrate on your main business at hand. We work on recruitment day in and day out, writing compelling job ads, reviewing applications, meeting with candidates and ensuring we bring you the best people in the market to fill your vacancy.
“Five: TABMA People’s schedule of fees is fair, reasonable and based on salary bands, not percentages that often lead to an unexpected, higher than anticipated invoice when the project is complete,” Andersen concludes.
Contact Peter Andersen on 0447 892 002 or email