A new campaign is designed to protect buyers and renters.
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency has launched a new information campaign informing residential property buyers, sellers, renters and landlords of their responsibilities and rights when it comes to asbestos when buying or renting a home.
Asbestos is still found in one in three Australian homes built before 1990, both inside and out. A known carcinogen, asbestos is dangerous when damaged or disturbed during renovation or repairs or when it’s deteriorating. Knowing where asbestos can be in a residential property can help to keep owners and tradespeople safe.
Agency CEO Justine Ross says it is vital buyers, sellers, renters and landlords are aware of their rights and obligations when buying, selling or renting a home. “The campaign will encourage sellers to disclose the presence of asbestos in their properties, to minimise the health risks for buyers,” she said. “Similarly, we want landlords to identify, disclose and manage the presence of asbestos in their properties, to minimise the health risks for renters. Landlords may also be eligible for tax deductions for asbestos testing and removal.”
A series of downloadable factsheets and guides help all parties to find asbestos risks and sets out legal obligations in each state and territory, as well as how to arrange a residential asbestos assessment.
Find resources and more at www.asbestossafety.gov.au