Timberlink launches an industry-first ad campaign across television, print and outdoor media in Tasmania.
With over 200 Tasmanian employees and contributing $150 million per annum directly and indirectly to the Tasmanian economy, Timberlink makes a big impact. But because they are literally a part of the landscape, it can be easy to overlook their value to the state.
Not anymore. Timberlink has launched its ‘Made of Tasmania’ advertising campaign to emphasise its link to the Tasmanian community, economy and environment. It’s the first time an Australian timber company has advertised directly to end users. The ad was launched in Launceston and is successfully running throughout the state.
The print, radio, outdoor media and online advertising campaign highlights the positive role that Timberlink’s sustainably produced timber has in the Tasmanian community. The advert shows all the Tasmanians employed in the production of Timberlink timber, from the forest, to the mill, through to retailers, as well end users and the community groups Timberlink supports.
CEO Ian Tyson said, “The campaign is a great way to show our customers, their customers and all Tasmanians, how Timberlink positively impacts upon Tasmania.
“Timberlink has a great story to tell. We are the only large-scale, forestry-integrated plantation softwood sawmilling business operating in Tasmania.”
It’s a positive story, too. The company has a strong tradition of environmental sustainability, manufacturing renewable plantation pine timber, and community involvement. It is a major local employer and works with Tasmanian businesses and personnel where possible, as well as having a strong involvement in community groups, schools and sporting clubs. “We are here for the long term and we want to convey this to Tasmanians,” said Tyson.
Using the tagline, ‘Timberlink. Made of Tasmania’, the campaign includes a new website that will feature extended videos on key sections of the business, including an in-depth look at Timberlink’s use of carbon positive, sustainable, pine plantations.
For more information, visit www.madeoftasmania.com.au.