TABMA Training’s training partnership with HQPlantations will make a difference to upcoming fire seasons.

Given the unprecedented bushfire crisis that most of Australia went through at the start of this year, the importance of protecting our softwood and hardwood plantations to enable continuity of supply to our sawmills and timber merchants cannot be overstated.

TABMA Training has been working alongside HQPlantations (HQP) in ensuring HQPs own workforce, along with their major contractors, in Queensland are fire ready for the 2020/21 fire season.

This partnership arrangement with HQP has existed for over 10 years. Headed up by Dean Wilson and Allen Bruce, the fire training programs incorporate Crew Member, Crew Leader and Sector Commander levels of training.

Crew member training includes seven key national units of competency and a prescribed burn on day three. HQPlantations are now so focused on ensuring all staff are fire ready that even the new CEO will attend one of the upcoming crew member courses.

What makes this training so effective is that HQP fire-experienced staff work alongside TABMA Trainers to ensure that the resources and practical activities simulate a ‘real’ fire situation. As a result, participants walk away ‘ready’ for the start of the next fire season.

This focus on customised programs that take advantage of companies’ expertise to deliver practical experience and meet clients’ specific needs is a core part of TABMA Training’s success in delivering a wide range of results-based training courses.

For more information or to discuss how your company could work with TABMA on fire programs, email Dr June Dunleavy,